Filestore authorization webhooks

Filestore needs to authorize if the current user is allowed to call a Filestore API (say to upload or download a file). This authorization is done via a webhook.

By default, only the admin role has access to the Filestore APIs, for other roles the webhook has to be configured.

The Filestore microservice contacts the webhook with the following parameters:

  1. The File ID: the unique id of the file.
  2. The operation on the file: one of create, read, delete.

The user’s information is passed in the request headers as X-Hasura-User-Id, X-Hasura-User-Role and X-Hasura-Allowed-Roles.


The headers X-Hasura-User-Id, X-Hasura-User-Role and X-Hasura-Allowed-Roles are a Hasura platform feature to enable access control. To know more about it read here.

Webhook response

If the webhook returns a 200 response then the authorization is granted, and if it returns 403 response, then the file operation is denied.

Status code Authorization action Description
200 Access granted Success
403 Access denied The message returned by the webhook is sent to the client
Anything else Error Internal error is thrown

Setting up the webhook

As a user, you are supposed to provide the Filestore microservice with a webhook, which is a HTTP URL running inside the Hasura cluster.

Which means, you need to write a custom endpoint which receives the above parameters from the File microservice, perform required authorization checks and return a response. You can deploy this custom endpoint as a custom microservice.

Let’s say the webhook that you have deployed is available at http://filecheck.<cluster-name> Internally, this endpoint will be available at filecheck.default/check. Then the File microservice will call your API to authorize before doing the actual file operation, like so:

GET filecheck.default/check?file_id=<file-id>&file_op=<operation> HTTP/1.1

Where operation is one of create, read, delete.

Once you get this information about the file and the file operation and retrieve the user and roles information from the Hasura headers, you should perform the required authorization checks. If you want to grant the access to the user then the webhook should return a 200 response. If you want to deny access to the user then your webhook should return a 403 response.