Hasura CLI: hasura platform:microservice sync

Sync a local directory into a microservice


Watch the files inside a directory in local system and sync it to the given path inside the microservice

hasura platform:microservice sync <microservice-name> <local-path>:<container-path> [flags]


# !!!Important Note!!!
# Requires that the 'tar' binary is present in your container
# image. If 'tar' is not present, 'hasura microservice sync' will fail.
# Also, filename should not contain ":"

# NOTE: the local directory path is relative to the directory from which the command is executed

# Sync a directory called 'src' from local system to the container for microservice api:
$ hasura microservice sync api microservices/api/src:/src


-c, --cluster string     cluster alias to connect
    --container string   container name. If omitted, the first container in the pod will be chosen (use only if you know what this means)
-h, --help               help for sync
-n, --namespace string   namespace of the microservice (user: Custom microservices, hasura: Hasura microservices) (default "user")
-p, --pod string         if multiple replicas are present, give pod name to sync
    --show-logs          show logs from the microservice

Options inherited from parent commands

--project string   hasura project directory where the commands should be executed. (default: current directory)


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