Installing the Hasura CLI

Step 1: Install

Open your linux shell and run the following command:

curl -L | bash

This will install the hasura CLI tool in /usr/local/bin. You might have to provide your sudo password depending on the permissions of your /usr/local/bin location.

In your terminal enter the following command:

curl -L | bash

This will install the hasura CLI in /usr/local/bin. You might have to provide your sudo password depending on the permissions of your /usr/local/bin location.


You should have git bash installed to use hasura CLI. Download git bash using the following link. Also, make sure you install it in MinTTY mode, instead of Windows’ default console.

Download the hasura installer:

Note: Please run the installer as Administrator to avoid PATH update errors. If you’re still getting a command not found error after installing Hasura, please restart Gitbash.

Step 2: Login

Next, login or register by running the following command:

hasura login

This command will open up the browser and allow you to register with a new account (or login to your existing account).

Next, login or register by running the following command:

hasura login

This command will open up the browser and allow you to register with a new account (or login to your existing account).

Next, open git-bash (or restart git-bash after installing Hasura CLI) and login/register:

hasura login

This command will open up the browser and allow you to register with a new account (or login to your existing account).


If you face any issue while logging in, check out the Troubleshooting section for an alternate login method.

(Optional) Add shell completion

To add command auto completion in the shell

Refer to hasura completion