Adding a microservice from a template


If you’re starting with a new project head to and get started with a new Hasura project that already has the boilerplate for your stack.

Use this guide if you are adding a microservice to your existing Hasura project.

Step 1: Choosing a microservice template from Hub

You can clone microservices from any of the projects on and use them as a template for your microservice.

Go to and find a boilerplate project you want to clone from. Most projects should have an Included microservices section which describes the microservices available in the project. See Popular hub microservices:

Step 2: Cloning the microservice to your project

To add the microservice to your project, you can use the hasura microservice clone command from the project directory.

$ hasura microservice clone [[microservice-1] [microservice-2]...] --from [hub-user/hub-project-name] [flags]


# Clone microservice 'app' from 'hasura/hello-python-flask':
$ hasura microservice clone app --from hasura/hello-python-flask
# Clone all microservices from 'hasura/hello-react'
$ hasura microservice clone --from hasura/hello-react
# Clone microservices 'api' and 'ui' from 'hasura/hello-react'
$ hasura microservice clone api ui --from hasura/hello-react

Step 3: Tell the Hasura CLI that you want to git-push to deploy this microservice

Add configuration to your conf/ci.yaml file so that git push hasura master will automatically deploy your source code, build the docker image, and rollout the update!

$ hasura conf generate-remote <new-app> >> conf/ci.yaml

Behind The Scenes

Checkout ci.yaml to learn more about this file

Step 4: (Optional) Expose this microservice to the world

Let’s expose this microservice to the external world on the subdomain <new-app>. The configuration for routes for all the microservices on your Hasura project are configured in conf/routes.yaml. The hasura CLI provides a handy command to generate the default routes configuration for your custom microservice:

$ hasura conf generate-route <new-app> >> conf/routes.yaml

This command above will add the default route configuration for your microservice to the conf/routes.yaml file.

Behind The Scenes

Check out routes.yaml to learn more about this file

Step 5: Git push and deploy!

$ git add . && git commit -m 'Added <new-app>'
$ git push hasura master

That’s it! And you’ll have a shiny new microservice deployed to your cluster.

Check out the running microservices:

$ hasura microservices list

Open the microservice in your browser:

$ hasura microservices open <new-app>