Sending email templates: Mandrill

To use Mandrill to start sending emails, signup for an account and create a sending domain. You have to obtain an API key after verifying the sending domain. You can learn creating and adding templates in Mandrill here. Use template names in API requests.


You have to own a domain for completing Mandrill setup.

Please remember that you have to setup SPF and DKIM records for your domain to start sending emails from your domain. Otherwise, Mandrill will reject sending emails.

Here are some Mandrill resources for verifying sending domain and setting up SPF/DKIM:

You need to configure the following options in conf/notify.yaml inside the project directory:

  • Make Mandrill to be the default provider, under email
  default: mandrill
  • Now we need to configure Notify with the Mandrill API key. To do this we don’t store the key directly in the notify.yaml file. Instead, we refer to a secret value in the conf, and our actual API key in the secret.

    Under email -> providers -> mandrill, the apiKey already refers to the secret. So we have to update the secret

$ hasura secrets update notify.mandrill.key "<your-mandrill-api-key>"